Monday, September 19, 2011

My dearest mom mom's guestitorial

It's been a while since I've blogged...partly because I haven't had time and partly because, well, I forgot I had one for a second :) My mom reminded me I had one the other day when she told me she had been inspired to write, so enjoy her talent with words and think of fall!

We were gifted with a jar of honey today…a JAR! This is no honey bear squeeze-bottle (though I have nothing against honey bears – they are quite sweet!). This is a QUART jar of sticky, flaxen deliciousness…the elixir of the gods – or at least the bees. There are lovely bits of opaque honeycomb floating dreamily along the surface just to remind you that this honey was just harvested…from local bees…a golden glace that is actually good for you, with nutritious properties and potential allergy-resistors. Now how many times do you receive an entire quart jar of honey – for free? From a dear friend and his own hives?

With so much succulent syrup, I couldn’t resist drenching a couple of corn muffins to accompany my evening bowl of soup. Mmmmmmm….thanks Allan!

What would YOU do with a whole quart of beguiling nectar?